środa, 20 marca 2013


Zadanie 7. (5 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
Ever since a Polish Jew invented Esperanto in 1887 in the hopes of fostering a crosscultural community, cynics have mocked it as an idealistic cult for linguistic weirdos. Yet for such an ambitious and unlikely idea it has earned its share of notoriety. Iraq's only Esperanto teacher was expelled during the regime. And billionaire benefactor George Soros owes his prosperity to the idea: he defected from Communist Hungary at the 1946 World Esperanto Congress in Switzerland.
To hear a growing number of enthusiasts tell it, the language's most glorious days may actually lie ahead. Though numbers are hard to come by - and those available are hard to believe (the Universal Esperanto Society - UES - estimates 8 million speakers) - the language may be spreading in developing nations in Africa, Asia and South America. 'Because of the Internet, we have seen a vast improvement in the levels of competent speakers in places like China and Brazil,' says Humphrey Tonkin, the former president of the Universal Esperanto Association.
Meanwhile, a small community of diehards has been lobbying to make it the official language of the European Union. Indeed, Esperanto seems perfect for a modern age, when global barriers are being torn down by free trade, immigration and the Internet.
The renewed enthusiasm for the language was on display in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the 88th annual World Esperanto Congress. Some 1,800 members of the Universal Esperanto Association - from places as varied as Japan, Israel, Nepal and Brazil - conversed in what sounds like a mixture of overenunciated Italian and softly spoken Polish. Organizers say attendance outstripped last year's meeting by almost 20 percent. Meanwhile, the number of Esperanto home pages has jumped from 330 in 1998 to 788 in 2003.
So what's the big appeal? Unlike that other global language, Esperanto puts everyone on a level playing field; native English speakers make up only 10 percent of the world population, but they expect everybody else to be as articulate as they are. 'Throughout Asia, for example, people are conscious of the language problem because they all speak different languages,' says John Wells, professor of phonetics at University College London. 'Some are questioning whether they have to use English as their language for wider communication or whether there is some other possible solution.' The majority of Esperanto speakers still live in Europe, where the language was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof, under the pseudonym Doktoro Esperanto (meaning 'one who hopes'). Back in his time, people were drawn to Esperanto because it is five times easier to learn than English and ten times simpler than Russian.
Nowadays, European Esperanto speakers tend to be older throwbacks of the cold-war era - though, as sources report, students in Poland and Hungary can still earn Ph.D.s in the language. Many believe the popularity of the language in the developing world is being fueled by growing resentment of English as the language of global commerce and political rhetoric.
'Bush and Blair have become Esperanto's best friends,' jokes Probal Dasgupta, professor of linguistics at India's University of Hyderabad. 'Globalization has put a wind in our sails, making it possible for people to have interest in Esperanto as not only a language, but a social idea.' Similar hopes have been voiced from the moment Zamenhof first came up with his egalitarian lingo. But in today's rapidly shrinking world, the timing couldn't be better.
abridged from Newsweek, August 2003

7.1. In the first paragraph, the writer mentions
A. two people who survived thanks to Esperanto.
B. the name of the man who invented Esperanto.
C. the year when Esperanto gained popularity.
D. the idea that lay behind Esperanto.
7.2. The word numbers, in paragraph two, refers to
A. Esperanto users all over the world.
B. members of the Esperanto Society.
C. Internet users who learn Esperanto.
D. speakers of Esperanto in Asia.
7.3. What do you learn about the 88th World Esperanto Congress?
A. The people present in Gothenburg practised a variety of languages.
B. The participants were encouraged to set up new Esperanto websites.
C. The number of its participants exceeded the number present the year before.
D. The participants had an opportunity to see different displays organized there.
7.4. Which of these facts is not mentioned as an advantage that Esperanto has over English?
A. Nobody is privileged to be a native speaker of Esperanto.
B. Esperanto is not as hard to learn as the English language.
C. English is much more difficult to pronounce than Esperanto.
D. More and more people reject English as a global language.
7.5. In the last paragraph, the author of the article
A. explains why Esperanto is spoken mainly by the older generation of Europeans.
B. expresses his belief that it is very good time for Esperanto to become widely used.
C. analyses the efforts made by some politicians, aimed at popularising Esperanto.
D. gives reasons why Esperanto should be treated only as a means of communication.
Zadanie 8. (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wstaw zdania oznaczone literami A-E w luki 8.1.-8.4., tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
For most London workers, the phrase 'a job for life' has been left firmly in the past.
In fact, the average worker will change jobs seven times in his/her career. In today's business world, the ability to change is essential for survival. Advances in technology, diversification of companies, new markets and products, or just natural business evolution, can all impact
upon our careers. 8.1. ____ Anyone who doubts this should be aware that the proportion of unskilled and semi-skilled jobs is decreasing and that this trend is set to continue. At the same time, the whole concept of short-term work contracts - and the lack of security that accompanies these - is becoming more of a reality, which is why it's important that you not only learn new skills, but that you work towards accreditation of them as continuing proof of your ability. 8.2. ____ Instead, carefully consider the skills you might need to do your present job better... and to give you an advantage when you go in search of your next one. Job specific skills can quickly date, so a solid grounding in key skills - and the ability to update these - will give you a head start. Whilst changes in the workplace can seem daunting, you should try to look at them as an opportunity to inject some variety and choice into your working life. In fact, beyond the workplace, individual motivation to learn is already on the increase. According to the London Skills Forecasting Unit, three quarters of all courses were chosen for current job enhancement, promotion, or career change and only 25% of them were chosen for hobbies or leisure interest. 8.3. ____ The good news is that you don't necessarily have to, because learning is no longer confined to traditional methods. If you're not keen on the idea of regular, structured evening courses, then computer-based programmes may be ideal. Or you can choose to work from books, Open University modules, networking, or life coaching. 8.4. _____ However you may decide to set about it, once you've decided to brush up your skills, it's worth seeking advice to ensure that you're heading in the right direction and it would pay you to contact a careers advisor or local careers company.
abridged from Sarah Edghill, www.londoncareers.net/training/advice

A. If you feel you need to brush up your abilities, it's vital that you don't just jump onto the next new fad.
B. Their job adverts are a great way of finding out what qualifications and skills are required in your area of work.
C. Even holding positions of responsibility in local clubs or voluntary activities and social events can help you to gain key skills whilst improving your social life and your network.
D. So, if you don't want to get left behind, you need to update your knowledge and skills.
E. However, those of us who left classrooms behind years ago may be apprehensive at the idea of going back there.
Zadanie 9. (3 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
The Godfather, starring Marlon Brando, won three Oscars in 1973. A search is on for an author capable 9.1. _____ bringing The Godfather back to life, three years after the story's creator died. Publishers have decided that a sequel to Mario Puzo's smash hit novel should be written. They have 9.2. _____ an appeal to literary agents to help find possible candidates. The Godfather inspired three films 9.3. _____ only appearing in one book, which was first published in 1969. Puzo, the son of Italian immigrants to the US, died at the age of 78 in 1999. Jonathan Karp, Puzo's former editor and vice president of publishing firm Random House, said he was looking for a writer to continue the story in an 'original, artful and entertaining' way. Novelist and Puzo expert Andrew Rosenheim told Front Row that the new Godfather author would face a challenge because the public's perception of the mafia 9.4.____.'When the book was first published, people saw the mafia in a romantic, mysterious light,' he said. 'Nowadays, I'd say we almost know too much about the mafia. History shows sequels like this don't generally work very well, but 9.5. _____ Is always the prospect that somebody very gifted will do this.' Puzo wrote the screenplays for the three Godfather films with director Francis Ford Coppola, winning two Oscars. The first film, 9.6. ____ three years after the novel, is widely
considered the greatest film made to date. The follow-up became the only sequel to win the Oscar for best picture.
adapted from news.bbc.co.uk
A. to
B. of
C. with
D. for
A. put out
B. turned out
C. made off
D. took off
A. however
B. apart from
C. despite
D. though
A. have changed
B. had changed
C. will change
D. may change
A. there
B. it
C. this
D. that
A. releasing
B. that has been released
C. was released
D. released

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